
In our DNA

Telomeres respond to stress

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Slaves were freed by the Emancipation Proclamation in the rebelling states on January 1, 1863, but not in the "Border States" loyal to the Union, Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware, and West Virginia, the new state formed during the war. Compared to the states in rebellion the number of slaves in the border states was quite low.

Slaves in the seceded (rebelling) states were emancipated as the Union took over their territories. It took 2 and one-half years for Union troops to occupy Texas.

During the war Maryland, Missouri, Tennessee and West Virginia abolished slavery. However, Kentucky and Delaware did not officially end slavery until the 13th amendment to the US Constitution was ratified in December 1865. Reconstruction as directed by Congress did not apply to Border States because they never seceded.

Slavery is abhorrent, the politics of ending this "peculiar institution" and full enfranchisement of freemen was quite complicated.

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June is also Men's Health Month. Unfortunately, you failed to mention that. But so far, Congress has also failed men and male health, by creating the Office of Women's Health back in the early 1990s, while ignoring men and male health, both back then and ever since. That's half the population that has been purposely neglected; that too is part of American history.

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June is also Men's Health Month. Unfortunately, you failed to mention that. But so far, Congress has also failed men and male health, by creating the Office of Women's Health back in the early 1990s, while ignoring men and male health, both back then and ever since. That's half the population that has been purposely neglected; that too is part of American history.

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